Equal Opportunity Policy of Millennium Education aims to
- Offer equal opportunities regardless of race, culture, gender orientation, academic ability, physical ability or class.
- Provide an environment free from social or cultural prejudice for all members of our school community.
- Achieve an environment in which members of the school community is respected as individuals and in which the varied experiences of the community enriches the life of the school.
- RMS Equal Opportunity Policy is the responsibility of the whole school community and is reflected throughout the organization of the school.
- All staff, governors, parents/guardians and pupils are involved in developing, implementing and monitoring the equal opportunities policy and practice.
- All staff, governors, parents/guardians and pupils regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, gender and socio-economic background, are welcome and is encouraged to participate in the life of the school.
- Statements of equality dimensions and opportunity are printed in all relevant school documentation e.g. school prospectus, vision statement, policies and in the staff handbook.
- All governors, staff and pupils receive training in relevant aspects of equal opportunities to ensure their ability to actively support this policy.
- On acceptance to the school all parents receives information detailing the School’s Behavior Code. This information will be available in languages other than English as appropriate to the school community.
- The school makes reasonable effort to ensure that meetings are accessible and convenient for all and take into account particular needs and requirements, e.g. physical access, child care and interpreter support.
The school includes in its annual report to parents, information concerning the arrangements made for the admission of Special pupils; the steps taken to prevent disabled pupils from being treated less favourably than other pupils; the facilities provided to assist access to the school by disabled pupils. Progress in this area is documented in the School’s Action Plan. The school recognises its need to celebrate the diversity that exists within its community and ensures that all have the opportunity to respond to the expectations and challenges of the curriculum. It is our school policy to incorporate a balanced view of the world through a multi-cultural approach, to recognise that our pupils are world citizens who will meet a wide variety of cultures throughout their lives, to evaluate our practice to ensure that it is not at the expense of indigenous cultures and to allow children equal access to opportunities which will equip them for adult life and to achieve challenging expectations.