Millennials Secured Many Accolades in IKSC – 2021
 /  Millennials Secured Many Accolades in IKSC – 2021
Millennials Secured Many Accolades in IKSC – 2021

Millennials Secured Many Accolades in IKSC – 2021

The Millennium Education Pakistan, being one of the best private educational institutions in Pakistan puts a strong focus on nurturing, motivating and inspiring learners to do their best by unleashing their full potential. Learners at The Millennium Education and Future World School are keen learners, and they avail every opportunity they are provided with, to consolidate, enrich and extend their learning.  

International Kangaroo Science Contest (IKSC) – 2021 is one of the international contests in which TME learners participate for last many years. Around 1300 students took part in the IKSC contest 2021, which was held on Thursday, 23rd September 2021. Learners’ basic concepts and knowledge about science was analyzed as per their grade level. IKSC competition presents student with though provoking questions and scenarios which helps in enhancing their existing body of knowledge.  

Participation in such competition gives learners exposure to the platform and challenging environment beyond the classroom at the global level. Competing with peers v/s competing with other children who are across the border is quite different. It gives learners entirely a different kind of exposure, and they get to assess and evaluate themselves, hence enhancing their learning.  

It is worth sharing that our millennials have bagged many accolades in the IKSC Contest 2021 as mentioned below;  

On behalf of The Millennium Education, we would like to congratulate the parental body and learner on their amazing achievement and wish our learners good luck in their future endeavors 

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